Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How it started

So a week ago I decided that I wanted to run a half marathon.  Well specifically one of the Disney Half Marathons because I'm a tad Disney obsessed. You may look at that statement and think, "Ok great.  Just suck it up, go to the gym and run the marathon" and that would be the end of this blog.  Problem is I HATE running.  I can't think of a physical activity I hate more.  But being a third year medical student, I have spent a lot of my time the last three years sitting on a couch, or at a desk, or following a resident around a hospital while shoving as much medical knowledge into my head as possible.  I decided I wanted to do something that doesn't involve a book but is going to challenge me just as school does, so hence the marathon and this blog.

I'm currently on my Geriatric rotation and after several hours at a long term care facility this morning, talking to senior citizens who have the most amazing stories but are kind of exhausting, I came home and forced myself to get off the couch and go to the gym.  It was about 65 degrees today, so I probably would have been better off running outside for a bit of change of scenery, but there's still a layer of snow on the ground that doesn't help the whole new runner trying not to fall on her face thing.  Instead it was the gym, with my headphones trying not to sing all my songs at the top of my lungs as the two other girls looked at me with strange looks while I was humming ( I'm sure probably off key).  I made two miles today on the treadmill without too much trouble.  I'm pretty proud of myself for that.  I wouldn't say I'm out of shape, but I'm not, nor have I ever been, someone who was good at running.  I set a goal of three miles for today.  The last mile was a tad rough, but I made it and did it a bit quicker than yesterday!!  I have almost 11 months until the half marathon, so I'm not in a rush, but I'm going to up the miles each week and hopefully be able to meet my goal!!

Well that was day one of my blog for my Disney Half Marathon.  Oh...I forgot the part when I came home and ate my weight in carbs lol.  But all in all, I'm pretty proud of my start! :)